Wednesday 30 May 2012

4 weeks to go

4 weeks to go!!!

yep, just 4 weeks until I move to Tanzania for two years!   It's becoming a lot more real now.  I've got my car on the market for sale (if anyone wants a lovely mondeo then get in touch!) and have started to pack my stuff into boxes.  I've sold most of it to raise money for VSO, and thanks to everyone's generousity I have raised £1200 so far of my total of £1500.
I've just spent the last 5 days at my final VSO training... it has been very useful in prompting me to think about the challenges I may face in my placement overseas.  However, although it has answered a few of my questions it has raised about a million more!   I'm still excited about going, but am naturally a bit apprehensive.   I should be getting my flight details through soon, so it will be a lot more real then!

If you want to see the hospital I am going to then look at