Friday 6 July 2012


Mambo!  Habari gani?
Hello!  Well, I've had a week in Dar es Salaam and am enjoying myself so far!   I've been looked after well by VSO and had a week of fairly hardcore training etc so have not had much chance to get on the net until now. I have today off, so am off to the beach later for some R&R.  Dar is a crazy city, so much going on but the people are friendly and helpful even if I can't understand what they say!  It is SO different to anywhere else I've been - amazing how people make do with what they have.  The street outside out hotel seems to be the local mechanics, with people changing engines with their bare hands right next to a BBQ chicken stall.  It's hot... It was 28C when I arrived, and has stayed hot all week... and this is winter!  It did rain today as I was walking around the city.. really rained... but only for 2 minutes... and I dried off quick in the heat. 
Other things I have noticed:   
Beer is cheap (2000shilings = less than 1pound).  
Some things are stupidly expensive (a rubbishy towel= 30 000 shillings = 12 pounds)
Satellite dishes point straight up
The call to prayer from the mosque is both loud and early

I'm going to Morogoro tomorrow for one week for some kiswahili training and then I'm going down to my placement near Mtwara.  It sounds like my placement location is very rural so will be a massive change from my week here in Dar, nonetheless I'm looking forward to starting work.

Hope everyone is doing well back home
Kwa Heri

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